Planning, Guiding, Monitoring and
Assuring Quality Education
India has a diverse education system aiming to uplift all sections of society. The University Grants Commission (UGC), set up by the Government of India, has the mandate of determining and maintaining standards of teaching, examination, and research across the academic institutions in the country, especially in the light of widespread expansion, increased autonomy, privatisation and introduction of the program in new and emerging areas of Science, Technology, Arts and Humanities. In turn, the mandate led to widespread concern about the quality and relevance of higher education. To maintain and improve the standards of educational institutions, UGC advocated the establishment of an independent national accreditation agency, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), to assess all academic institutions. The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) has set up an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a mandatory requirement of IIST following its accreditation in the year 2012. The prime responsibility of IQAC is to ensure that quality is an integral part of the institute's functioning.
IQAC @ IIST is set up to devise a mechanism to promote conscious, consistent, and catalytic action plans to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institute. Also, it supports institutional quality enhancement and sustenance through the internalisation of quality culture and institutionalisation of the best practices.