Ensure the implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms to maintain academic standards through regular curriculum revisions and the creation of knowledge.
Advocate for policies and procedures that foster transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct across all institutional activities.
Cultivate an enriching academic and research milieu by providing faculty and students with the necessary support, infrastructure, and resources.
Conduct routine assessments and evaluations for enhancement and refinement.
Promote collaboration with premier institutions and industry stakeholders to enhance global competitiveness and impact of IIST.
Actively involve faculty, students, alumni, employers, and regulatory bodies in aligning quality assurance efforts with global standards and expectations.
Initiate the accreditation and recognition from national/international agencies as a testament to the institute's commitment to quality and excellence in space education and research.
Continuously review and update quality assurance strategies in response to meet evolving demands of the educational landscape and adhere to adopted education policies framed by the government.
Foster a culture of excellence, innovation, and lifelong learning among all members of the institute community; thereby creating knowledge for the advancement of society through space exploration and discovery.